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He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? How is it that you have no faith?” Mark 4:40 Sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle for these free resources! Hebraic Insights in the Gospels Podcast: Join us on Hebraic Insights in the Gospels for a look at the life, words, and deeds […]

Join us as Messiah begins to organize the Kingdom as a light against the darkness. Sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle for these free resources! Hebraic Insights in the Gospels Podcast: Join us on Hebraic Insights in the Gospels for a look at the life, words, and deeds of Yeshua Messiah (Jesus […]

He said to them, “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. Therefore the Son of Man is master even of the Sabbath.” Mark 2:27-28 Sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle for these free resources! Hebraic Insights in the Gospels Podcast: Join us on Hebraic Insights in the Gospels […]

But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” he said to the paralytic Mark 2:10 Sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle for these free resources! Hebraic Insights in the Gospels Podcast: Join us on Hebraic Insights in the Gospels for a look at […]

  He healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons… Mark 1:34   Sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle for these free resources!   Hebraic Insights in the Gospels Podcast: Join us on Hebraic Insights in the Gospels for a look at the life, words, and deeds […]

  The Good News According to Mark! The beginning of the Good News of YESHUA the Messiah, the Son of ELOHIM! Mark 1:1   Sign-up for free to our Membership site Tsiyon Tabernacle for these free resources! Hebraic Insights in the Gospels Podcast: Join us on Hebraic Insights in the Gospels for a look at […]

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