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Messiah’s Mighty Men

Messiah's Mighty Men - Live Panel Discussion

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A Kingdom Covenant



Y'shua the Messiah / "Jesus Christ" perfectly fulfilled the requirements of the Mosaic Covenant and then cut a "new" or "renewed" Covenant with Israel. In this program we go back to the Source to find out what the Mosaic Covenant really is. What is it's purpose? Why did YHWH Himself actually come down onto the top of Mount Horeb and speak the words of the Covenant to the people? What is the difference between the Covenant and the Book of the Law, the Torah? Oh, you didn't know there IS a difference between the Covenant and Torah? Then you need to hear this full program!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Your Graven Image of YHWH



The word of YHWH came to me, saying, ..there were two women ..and they became Mine. Ezekiel 23:1, 2, 4

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Davidic aspirations ran high among the Jews of the first century, fueling a parade of Davidic contenders for the messianic throne. This misplaced messianic fervor proved to be a catalyst to rebellion and insurrection against the Roman super-state, bringing on harsh reprisals and the eventual destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple in 70 CE. Some of the Davidic players commented on in this program include Menahem, the grandson of Judas the Galilean, John of Gischala, and Simon bar Gjora. In fact, you will learn that there was a Davidic king on the Throne in Jerusalem at the time of its destruction! You will be amazed to hear what happened to him and his administration following the Roman victory. You will also learn that a Davidic dynasty of Yeshua's family continued among the early believers into at least the fourth century, at which time they were driven underground after a final and fateful meeting with Pope Sylvester of the Roman Church. Some desposynos discussed in this program include Symeon son of Joseph's brother Clopas, Yeshua's cousin and the successor to James the Just after his martyrdom; also the grandsons of Jude, the Lord's brother; Thebouthis, a Davidic rival to Symeon who introduced heresies among the believers; also comments on the whole line of desposyni including such names as Zachary, Joseph, John, James, Joses, Simeon, and Matthias - all the way down to the fateful meeting of a delegation of Nazareans headed by a member of the Lord's family named Joses with Pope Sylvester in 318 CE. This program contains a lot of vital "Church History" that definitely is NOT the same ol' story you heard in Sunday School!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Tent of David



The Tent of David, the Tabernacle of David, the Booth of David are three names for the same thing - but what is it? Through the prophet Amos Yahweh said; In that day I will raise up the tent of David who is fallen, and close up its breaches, and I will raise up its ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old (Amos 9:11, Acts 15:15). Yahweh promised to restore the Tent of David! This promise is profoundly important to all of us, yet it is little understood. Today there are many teachings on the Tent of David. Some say it has to do with restoration of Davidic music and dance. Some say it is a new emphasis on the Psalms. Others say it is "the Church." In this program you will learn what the Tent of David actually is BEYOND DOUBT, and you will learn what it's great significance was to the early believers. Here's a hint; to them it was a source of their great unity and effectiveness in fulfilling their mission in the first century! The restoration of the Tent of David is absolutely key to restoring that same unity and effectiveness of those first century believers to the remnant of Israel in this final generation.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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A Kingdom Covenant



Y'shua the Messiah / "Jesus Christ" perfectly fulfilled the requirements of the Mosaic Covenant and then cut a "new" or "renewed" Covenant with Israel. In this program we go back to the Source to find out what the Mosaic Covenant really is. What is it's purpose? Why did YHWH Himself actually come down onto the top of Mount Horeb and speak the words of the Covenant to the people? What is the difference between the Covenant and the Book of the Law, the Torah? Oh, you didn't know there IS a difference between the Covenant and Torah? Then you need to hear this full program!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Your Graven Image of YHWH



The word of YHWH came to me, saying, ..there were two women ..and they became Mine. Ezekiel 23:1, 2, 4

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Davidic aspirations ran high among the Jews of the first century, fueling a parade of Davidic contenders for the messianic throne. This misplaced messianic fervor proved to be a catalyst to rebellion and insurrection against the Roman super-state, bringing on harsh reprisals and the eventual destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple in 70 CE. Some of the Davidic players commented on in this program include Menahem, the grandson of Judas the Galilean, John of Gischala, and Simon bar Gjora. In fact, you will learn that there was a Davidic king on the Throne in Jerusalem at the time of its destruction! You will be amazed to hear what happened to him and his administration following the Roman victory. You will also learn that a Davidic dynasty of Yeshua's family continued among the early believers into at least the fourth century, at which time they were driven underground after a final and fateful meeting with Pope Sylvester of the Roman Church. Some desposynos discussed in this program include Symeon son of Joseph's brother Clopas, Yeshua's cousin and the successor to James the Just after his martyrdom; also the grandsons of Jude, the Lord's brother; Thebouthis, a Davidic rival to Symeon who introduced heresies among the believers; also comments on the whole line of desposyni including such names as Zachary, Joseph, John, James, Joses, Simeon, and Matthias - all the way down to the fateful meeting of a delegation of Nazareans headed by a member of the Lord's family named Joses with Pope Sylvester in 318 CE. This program contains a lot of vital "Church History" that definitely is NOT the same ol' story you heard in Sunday School!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Tent of David



The Tent of David, the Tabernacle of David, the Booth of David are three names for the same thing - but what is it? Through the prophet Amos Yahweh said; In that day I will raise up the tent of David who is fallen, and close up its breaches, and I will raise up its ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old (Amos 9:11, Acts 15:15). Yahweh promised to restore the Tent of David! This promise is profoundly important to all of us, yet it is little understood. Today there are many teachings on the Tent of David. Some say it has to do with restoration of Davidic music and dance. Some say it is a new emphasis on the Psalms. Others say it is "the Church." In this program you will learn what the Tent of David actually is BEYOND DOUBT, and you will learn what it's great significance was to the early believers. Here's a hint; to them it was a source of their great unity and effectiveness in fulfilling their mission in the first century! The restoration of the Tent of David is absolutely key to restoring that same unity and effectiveness of those first century believers to the remnant of Israel in this final generation.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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A Kingdom Covenant



Y'shua the Messiah / "Jesus Christ" perfectly fulfilled the requirements of the Mosaic Covenant and then cut a "new" or "renewed" Covenant with Israel. In this program we go back to the Source to find out what the Mosaic Covenant really is. What is it's purpose? Why did YHWH Himself actually come down onto the top of Mount Horeb and speak the words of the Covenant to the people? What is the difference between the Covenant and the Book of the Law, the Torah? Oh, you didn't know there IS a difference between the Covenant and Torah? Then you need to hear this full program!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Your Graven Image of YHWH



The word of YHWH came to me, saying, ..there were two women ..and they became Mine. Ezekiel 23:1, 2, 4

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Davidic aspirations ran high among the Jews of the first century, fueling a parade of Davidic contenders for the messianic throne. This misplaced messianic fervor proved to be a catalyst to rebellion and insurrection against the Roman super-state, bringing on harsh reprisals and the eventual destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple in 70 CE. Some of the Davidic players commented on in this program include Menahem, the grandson of Judas the Galilean, John of Gischala, and Simon bar Gjora. In fact, you will learn that there was a Davidic king on the Throne in Jerusalem at the time of its destruction! You will be amazed to hear what happened to him and his administration following the Roman victory. You will also learn that a Davidic dynasty of Yeshua's family continued among the early believers into at least the fourth century, at which time they were driven underground after a final and fateful meeting with Pope Sylvester of the Roman Church. Some desposynos discussed in this program include Symeon son of Joseph's brother Clopas, Yeshua's cousin and the successor to James the Just after his martyrdom; also the grandsons of Jude, the Lord's brother; Thebouthis, a Davidic rival to Symeon who introduced heresies among the believers; also comments on the whole line of desposyni including such names as Zachary, Joseph, John, James, Joses, Simeon, and Matthias - all the way down to the fateful meeting of a delegation of Nazareans headed by a member of the Lord's family named Joses with Pope Sylvester in 318 CE. This program contains a lot of vital "Church History" that definitely is NOT the same ol' story you heard in Sunday School!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Tent of David



The Tent of David, the Tabernacle of David, the Booth of David are three names for the same thing - but what is it? Through the prophet Amos Yahweh said; In that day I will raise up the tent of David who is fallen, and close up its breaches, and I will raise up its ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old (Amos 9:11, Acts 15:15). Yahweh promised to restore the Tent of David! This promise is profoundly important to all of us, yet it is little understood. Today there are many teachings on the Tent of David. Some say it has to do with restoration of Davidic music and dance. Some say it is a new emphasis on the Psalms. Others say it is "the Church." In this program you will learn what the Tent of David actually is BEYOND DOUBT, and you will learn what it's great significance was to the early believers. Here's a hint; to them it was a source of their great unity and effectiveness in fulfilling their mission in the first century! The restoration of the Tent of David is absolutely key to restoring that same unity and effectiveness of those first century believers to the remnant of Israel in this final generation.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Commandments or Traditions?



He said to them, “Full well do you reject the commandment of ELOHIM, that you may keep your tradition." Mark 7:9  

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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"Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice, and keep my covenant, then you shall be my own possession from among all peoples; for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.” Exodus 19:5+6

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Who were the 12 disciples or emissaries of Yeshua Messiah? How can Messiah’s instructions to His disciples and the way He sent them out, help us when it comes to discovering who we are in Messiah, and what our individual role is in His Kingdom plan? Are there any consequences of being a follower of Messiah that we need to know about and be prepared for? What are the obstacles we may have to face? If we find those things to be frightening, come at a high cost, or think ourselves in any way limited or unable to deal with them, how can we overcome, and stick with it to endure to the end? Tune in, for Eliyahu's insight on the above and more in Matthew chapter 10

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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"Now these are the ordinances which you shall set before them." Exodus 21:1

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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He said to them, “Full well do you reject the commandment of ELOHIM, that you may keep your tradition." Mark 7:9  

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Messiah’s Mighty Men


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Join us, as we discuss this month's topic and how it applies to Messiah's Mighty Men.   Your participation is welcome! Click/tap here to Contact Us with your prayer requests and comments!   Want to know more about this week's Shabbat Meeting? Check out the Newsletter!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Who were the 12 disciples or emissaries of Yeshua Messiah? How can Messiah’s instructions to His disciples and the way He sent them out, help us when it comes to discovering who we are in Messiah, and what our individual role is in His Kingdom plan? Are there any consequences of being a follower of Messiah that we need to know about and be prepared for? What are the obstacles we may have to face? If we find those things to be frightening, come at a high cost, or think ourselves in any way limited or unable to deal with them, how can we overcome, and stick with it to endure to the end? Tune in, for Eliyahu's insight on the above and more in Matthew chapter 10

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Righteous Judgment – 059



"Now these are the ordinances which you shall set before them." Exodus 21:1

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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He said to them, “Full well do you reject the commandment of ELOHIM, that you may keep your tradition." Mark 7:9  

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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"Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice, and keep my covenant, then you shall be my own possession from among all peoples; for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.” Exodus 19:5+6

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Who were the 12 disciples or emissaries of Yeshua Messiah? How can Messiah’s instructions to His disciples and the way He sent them out, help us when it comes to discovering who we are in Messiah, and what our individual role is in His Kingdom plan? Are there any consequences of being a follower of Messiah that we need to know about and be prepared for? What are the obstacles we may have to face? If we find those things to be frightening, come at a high cost, or think ourselves in any way limited or unable to deal with them, how can we overcome, and stick with it to endure to the end? Tune in, for Eliyahu's insight on the above and more in Matthew chapter 10

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Commandments or Traditions?



He said to them, “Full well do you reject the commandment of ELOHIM, that you may keep your tradition." Mark 7:9  

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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"Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice, and keep my covenant, then you shall be my own possession from among all peoples; for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.” Exodus 19:5+6

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Who were the 12 disciples or emissaries of Yeshua Messiah? How can Messiah’s instructions to His disciples and the way He sent them out, help us when it comes to discovering who we are in Messiah, and what our individual role is in His Kingdom plan? Are there any consequences of being a follower of Messiah that we need to know about and be prepared for? What are the obstacles we may have to face? If we find those things to be frightening, come at a high cost, or think ourselves in any way limited or unable to deal with them, how can we overcome, and stick with it to endure to the end? Tune in, for Eliyahu's insight on the above and more in Matthew chapter 10

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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"Now these are the ordinances which you shall set before them." Exodus 21:1

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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He said to them, “Full well do you reject the commandment of ELOHIM, that you may keep your tradition." Mark 7:9  

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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"Now these are the ordinances which you shall set before them." Exodus 21:1

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Who were the 12 disciples or emissaries of Yeshua Messiah? How can Messiah’s instructions to His disciples and the way He sent them out, help us when it comes to discovering who we are in Messiah, and what our individual role is in His Kingdom plan? Are there any consequences of being a follower of Messiah that we need to know about and be prepared for? What are the obstacles we may have to face? If we find those things to be frightening, come at a high cost, or think ourselves in any way limited or unable to deal with them, how can we overcome, and stick with it to endure to the end? Tune in, for Eliyahu's insight on the above and more in Matthew chapter 10

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Righteous Judgment – 059



"Now these are the ordinances which you shall set before them." Exodus 21:1

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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He said to them, “Full well do you reject the commandment of ELOHIM, that you may keep your tradition." Mark 7:9  

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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"Now therefore, if you will indeed obey my voice, and keep my covenant, then you shall be my own possession from among all peoples; for all the earth is mine; and you shall be to me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation.” Exodus 19:5+6

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Who were the 12 disciples or emissaries of Yeshua Messiah? How can Messiah’s instructions to His disciples and the way He sent them out, help us when it comes to discovering who we are in Messiah, and what our individual role is in His Kingdom plan? Are there any consequences of being a follower of Messiah that we need to know about and be prepared for? What are the obstacles we may have to face? If we find those things to be frightening, come at a high cost, or think ourselves in any way limited or unable to deal with them, how can we overcome, and stick with it to endure to the end? Tune in, for Eliyahu's insight on the above and more in Matthew chapter 10

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Kingdom Covenant Renewed



Any lawyer, journalist or writer can tell you that a difference of one little word can change history. In this program you will learn just how true that has been regarding one changed word in the Bible. In the fourth century, the Roman Latin Vulgate translation substituted the Latin equivalent of the word "testament" for the Greek word that should have been translated as "covenant" in the Gospels. By the substitution of that one word the covenant instituted at the "last supper" by Messiah was disconnected from all of the covenants that came before it and from all of the prophecy of the Hebrew Scriptures relating to it. Now, as a Roman testament, it became the hallmark of a set of Scriptures reinterpreted to be the "New Testament" - seen as replacing the so-called "Old Testament" as now obsolete. Never mind the fact that a testament is of an entirely different nature from a covenant and that the word "testament" never properly refers to a collection of books! In this program we help you reverse some of the damage done as a result of this translation "calamity" as we restore the renewed covenant to its rightful Hebraic context. This information is fundamental to a right understanding of Yahweh's unchanging progressive purpose. Don't miss it!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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From One Blood



He made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the surface of the earth... Acts 17:26 - Genesis 10

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Tent of David



The Tent of David, the Tabernacle of David, the Booth of David are three names for the same thing - but what is it? Through the prophet Amos Yahweh said; In that day I will raise up the tent of David who is fallen, and close up its breaches, and I will raise up its ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old (Amos 9:11, Acts 15:15). Yahweh promised to restore the Tent of David! This promise is profoundly important to all of us, yet it is little understood. Today there are many teachings on the Tent of David. Some say it has to do with restoration of Davidic music and dance. Some say it is a new emphasis on the Psalms. Others say it is "the Church." In this program you will learn what the Tent of David actually is BEYOND DOUBT, and you will learn what it's great significance was to the early believers. Here's a hint; to them it was a source of their great unity and effectiveness in fulfilling their mission in the first century! The restoration of the Tent of David is absolutely key to restoring that same unity and effectiveness of those first century believers to the remnant of Israel in this final generation.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Tsiyon Beginnings



You've been telling Dawn you want to know more about the origins of Tsiyon (i.e. my testimony) and in this program she gets me to spill the beans! Can you believe it, she actually starts with my childhood! At my age I almost forgot I ever had a childhood, until she asked me the question. From there she draws out the story of my life leading up to and including my own personal "burning bush" encounter with YHWH that has shaped the direction of my life for the last quarter century. This program includes some uncomfortably personal stuff that will not only give you insight into what makes Eliyahu ben David tick, but more importantly (and the reason I was willing to get into this), you will get a look at the world around us and even into the heart of God in a way you probably have never seen either before. I found this to be the perfect launching point to explain exactly where redeemed Israel is at today, where we need to get to, how to begin, and exactly why we must make the trip. I'm warning you to be prepared, the woman really started to tap into my radical self! One other thing - if you don't hear the whole hour you've missed the most important part of the program.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Kingdom Covenant Renewed



Any lawyer, journalist or writer can tell you that a difference of one little word can change history. In this program you will learn just how true that has been regarding one changed word in the Bible. In the fourth century, the Roman Latin Vulgate translation substituted the Latin equivalent of the word "testament" for the Greek word that should have been translated as "covenant" in the Gospels. By the substitution of that one word the covenant instituted at the "last supper" by Messiah was disconnected from all of the covenants that came before it and from all of the prophecy of the Hebrew Scriptures relating to it. Now, as a Roman testament, it became the hallmark of a set of Scriptures reinterpreted to be the "New Testament" - seen as replacing the so-called "Old Testament" as now obsolete. Never mind the fact that a testament is of an entirely different nature from a covenant and that the word "testament" never properly refers to a collection of books! In this program we help you reverse some of the damage done as a result of this translation "calamity" as we restore the renewed covenant to its rightful Hebraic context. This information is fundamental to a right understanding of Yahweh's unchanging progressive purpose. Don't miss it!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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From One Blood



He made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the surface of the earth... Acts 17:26 - Genesis 10

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Tent of David



The Tent of David, the Tabernacle of David, the Booth of David are three names for the same thing - but what is it? Through the prophet Amos Yahweh said; In that day I will raise up the tent of David who is fallen, and close up its breaches, and I will raise up its ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old (Amos 9:11, Acts 15:15). Yahweh promised to restore the Tent of David! This promise is profoundly important to all of us, yet it is little understood. Today there are many teachings on the Tent of David. Some say it has to do with restoration of Davidic music and dance. Some say it is a new emphasis on the Psalms. Others say it is "the Church." In this program you will learn what the Tent of David actually is BEYOND DOUBT, and you will learn what it's great significance was to the early believers. Here's a hint; to them it was a source of their great unity and effectiveness in fulfilling their mission in the first century! The restoration of the Tent of David is absolutely key to restoring that same unity and effectiveness of those first century believers to the remnant of Israel in this final generation.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Tsiyon Beginnings



You've been telling Dawn you want to know more about the origins of Tsiyon (i.e. my testimony) and in this program she gets me to spill the beans! Can you believe it, she actually starts with my childhood! At my age I almost forgot I ever had a childhood, until she asked me the question. From there she draws out the story of my life leading up to and including my own personal "burning bush" encounter with YHWH that has shaped the direction of my life for the last quarter century. This program includes some uncomfortably personal stuff that will not only give you insight into what makes Eliyahu ben David tick, but more importantly (and the reason I was willing to get into this), you will get a look at the world around us and even into the heart of God in a way you probably have never seen either before. I found this to be the perfect launching point to explain exactly where redeemed Israel is at today, where we need to get to, how to begin, and exactly why we must make the trip. I'm warning you to be prepared, the woman really started to tap into my radical self! One other thing - if you don't hear the whole hour you've missed the most important part of the program.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Kingdom Covenant Renewed



Any lawyer, journalist or writer can tell you that a difference of one little word can change history. In this program you will learn just how true that has been regarding one changed word in the Bible. In the fourth century, the Roman Latin Vulgate translation substituted the Latin equivalent of the word "testament" for the Greek word that should have been translated as "covenant" in the Gospels. By the substitution of that one word the covenant instituted at the "last supper" by Messiah was disconnected from all of the covenants that came before it and from all of the prophecy of the Hebrew Scriptures relating to it. Now, as a Roman testament, it became the hallmark of a set of Scriptures reinterpreted to be the "New Testament" - seen as replacing the so-called "Old Testament" as now obsolete. Never mind the fact that a testament is of an entirely different nature from a covenant and that the word "testament" never properly refers to a collection of books! In this program we help you reverse some of the damage done as a result of this translation "calamity" as we restore the renewed covenant to its rightful Hebraic context. This information is fundamental to a right understanding of Yahweh's unchanging progressive purpose. Don't miss it!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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The Babel Conspiracy



YHWH said,   Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is what they begin to do. Now nothing will be withheld from them, which they conspire to do. Genesis 11:6

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Tent of David



The Tent of David, the Tabernacle of David, the Booth of David are three names for the same thing - but what is it? Through the prophet Amos Yahweh said; In that day I will raise up the tent of David who is fallen, and close up its breaches, and I will raise up its ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old (Amos 9:11, Acts 15:15). Yahweh promised to restore the Tent of David! This promise is profoundly important to all of us, yet it is little understood. Today there are many teachings on the Tent of David. Some say it has to do with restoration of Davidic music and dance. Some say it is a new emphasis on the Psalms. Others say it is "the Church." In this program you will learn what the Tent of David actually is BEYOND DOUBT, and you will learn what it's great significance was to the early believers. Here's a hint; to them it was a source of their great unity and effectiveness in fulfilling their mission in the first century! The restoration of the Tent of David is absolutely key to restoring that same unity and effectiveness of those first century believers to the remnant of Israel in this final generation.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Tsiyon Beginnings



You've been telling Dawn you want to know more about the origins of Tsiyon (i.e. my testimony) and in this program she gets me to spill the beans! Can you believe it, she actually starts with my childhood! At my age I almost forgot I ever had a childhood, until she asked me the question. From there she draws out the story of my life leading up to and including my own personal "burning bush" encounter with YHWH that has shaped the direction of my life for the last quarter century. This program includes some uncomfortably personal stuff that will not only give you insight into what makes Eliyahu ben David tick, but more importantly (and the reason I was willing to get into this), you will get a look at the world around us and even into the heart of God in a way you probably have never seen either before. I found this to be the perfect launching point to explain exactly where redeemed Israel is at today, where we need to get to, how to begin, and exactly why we must make the trip. I'm warning you to be prepared, the woman really started to tap into my radical self! One other thing - if you don't hear the whole hour you've missed the most important part of the program.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Kingdom Betrayal



“Y’shua .. was troubled in spirit, and testified, “Most certainly I tell you that one of you will betray me.” Our Messiah who was at peace even when His talmidim were in fear for their lives was “troubled in spirit” by the betrayal of Judas Iscariot. Betrayal is, perhaps, the most troubling situation that ever arises among Messiah’s own. Not only was Messiah to suffer betrayal, but He also foretold widespread betrayal of His own during this final generation: “You shall be betrayed also by parents and brothers and kinsmen and friends. And they will cause some of you to be put to death. And you shall be hated by all for My name’s sake.” This study of the betrayal of the King and His Kingdom by Judas Iscariot is meant to fortify us to deal with widespread betrayal foretold for the days shortly ahead. Y’shua’s emissaries / apostles were not ready for the evil day. Don’t let that happen to you! (John 13:21; Luke 21:16+17)

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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The Babel Conspiracy



YHWH said,   Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is what they begin to do. Now nothing will be withheld from them, which they conspire to do. Genesis 11:6

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Tsiyon Beginnings



You've been telling Dawn you want to know more about the origins of Tsiyon (i.e. my testimony) and in this program she gets me to spill the beans! Can you believe it, she actually starts with my childhood! At my age I almost forgot I ever had a childhood, until she asked me the question. From there she draws out the story of my life leading up to and including my own personal "burning bush" encounter with YHWH that has shaped the direction of my life for the last quarter century. This program includes some uncomfortably personal stuff that will not only give you insight into what makes Eliyahu ben David tick, but more importantly (and the reason I was willing to get into this), you will get a look at the world around us and even into the heart of God in a way you probably have never seen either before. I found this to be the perfect launching point to explain exactly where redeemed Israel is at today, where we need to get to, how to begin, and exactly why we must make the trip. I'm warning you to be prepared, the woman really started to tap into my radical self! One other thing - if you don't hear the whole hour you've missed the most important part of the program.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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One New Man



Those of us who are redeemed by the blood of Messiah know something about how that happened. But do you ever wonder: WHY were you saved? Ephesians chapter two has the answer! This chapter has a number of answers, in fact, that are very different than many of us may have been taught. For example, you may have heard that the "saved" become part of the "Church." Ephesians chapter two doesn't say that! Instead it tells us that the "saved" from both the Gentiles and from Israel are all part of renewed Israel! Further, we are told this renewed Israel is "the one new man" created in Messiah Y'shua to represent Him in the world. Renewed Israel, this "one new man," is also called "a Holy Temple" and you are meant to be one of the stones of that Temple, all "built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit." Why doesn't everybody know that all the saved are to be part of Israel? One reason is because some of this chapter is incorrectly translated, in a way that leads away from Torah and Israel. In this program we will definitely straighten that out and help you to see the big picture so eloquently painted in Ephesians chapter two so you can get a better grasp than ever of where you fit into the picture!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Kingdom Betrayal



“Y’shua .. was troubled in spirit, and testified, “Most certainly I tell you that one of you will betray me.” Our Messiah who was at peace even when His talmidim were in fear for their lives was “troubled in spirit” by the betrayal of Judas Iscariot. Betrayal is, perhaps, the most troubling situation that ever arises among Messiah’s own. Not only was Messiah to suffer betrayal, but He also foretold widespread betrayal of His own during this final generation: “You shall be betrayed also by parents and brothers and kinsmen and friends. And they will cause some of you to be put to death. And you shall be hated by all for My name’s sake.” This study of the betrayal of the King and His Kingdom by Judas Iscariot is meant to fortify us to deal with widespread betrayal foretold for the days shortly ahead. Y’shua’s emissaries / apostles were not ready for the evil day. Don’t let that happen to you! (John 13:21; Luke 21:16+17)

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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The Babel Conspiracy



YHWH said,   Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is what they begin to do. Now nothing will be withheld from them, which they conspire to do. Genesis 11:6

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Tsiyon Beginnings



You've been telling Dawn you want to know more about the origins of Tsiyon (i.e. my testimony) and in this program she gets me to spill the beans! Can you believe it, she actually starts with my childhood! At my age I almost forgot I ever had a childhood, until she asked me the question. From there she draws out the story of my life leading up to and including my own personal "burning bush" encounter with YHWH that has shaped the direction of my life for the last quarter century. This program includes some uncomfortably personal stuff that will not only give you insight into what makes Eliyahu ben David tick, but more importantly (and the reason I was willing to get into this), you will get a look at the world around us and even into the heart of God in a way you probably have never seen either before. I found this to be the perfect launching point to explain exactly where redeemed Israel is at today, where we need to get to, how to begin, and exactly why we must make the trip. I'm warning you to be prepared, the woman really started to tap into my radical self! One other thing - if you don't hear the whole hour you've missed the most important part of the program.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Hebraic Insights In The Gospels Podcast Episodes

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