How to Read This Calendar

(1.) The Biblical Hebrew Calendar days begin at sunset and end at the next sunset.

(2.) All the dates on the calendar are listed on the Roman day that they start on, and continue until sunset on the following Roman day.

To learn more about Holy Time Click Here.

Holy Time Calendar

Current Month


thu20febAll Dayfri21S4 Yom 221st day of 4th Shebuah/Week

fri21febAll Daysat22S4 Yom 232nd day of 4th Shebuah/Week

sat22febAll Daysun23S4 Yom 243rd day of 4th Shebuah/Week

sun23febAll Daymon24S4 Yom 254th day of 4th Shebuah/Week

mon24febAll Daytue25S4 Yom 265th day of 4th Shebuah/Week

tue25febAll Daywed26S4 Yom 276th day of 4th Shebuah/Week

wed26febAll DayS4 Yom 28 Through Yom ?? | Long Shabbat of Month 12Look for the New Moon!


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