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Tsiyon Road Messianic Radio is just one part of Tsiyon Ministry.
Tsiyon’s primary mission is to the faithful Remnant of Israel in these last days.
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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00am02/21/2025
“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king, who made a marriage feast for his son, and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast..." Matthew 22:2-3
Learn more3:00am02/21/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more3:30am02/21/2025
“This is what YHWH spoke .., ‘I will show myself holy to those who come near me, and before all the people I will be glorified.’” Vayikra/Leviticus 10:3 Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
Learn more5:30am02/21/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00am02/21/2025
YESHUA answered them, “The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Most certainly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life will lose it. He who hates his life in this world will keep it to eternal life. If anyone serves me, let him follow me. Where I am, there will my servant also be. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him. John 12:23-26
Learn more7:00am02/21/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more7:30am02/21/2025
For I am YHWH who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your Elohim. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. This is the torah of the animal, and of the bird, and of every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that creeps on the earth, to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean, and between the living thing that may be eaten and the living thing that may not be eaten.’” Vayikra/Leviticus 11:45-47 Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
Learn more9:30am02/21/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00am02/21/2025
Morpheus says of the Matrix; "You have to see it for yourself." You can't really know what the Matrix is without a change in your own perspective - seeing the Matrix for yourself from outside the Matrix. In this program Eliyahu ben David tells how YHWH broke through into his life from outside the Matrix of this world to enable Eliyahu to see the world we all live in from the Divine point of view. The end result of this change of perspective in Eliyahu's life was death to this world and a radical new Life propelling him onward in the will of the Father. Do you want to see this world - and even "the Body of Christ" - as Heaven sees them right now? Then don't miss the unique revelation offered to you in this program!
Learn more11:00am02/21/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more12:00pm02/21/2025
The prophet Isaiah revealed the coming Messiah as the Divine Word, the Holy One of Israel over 600 years before Messiah Was born. The Isaiah Targum of Jonathan ben Uziel, written 30 years before the birth of Messiah, proves that the Divinity of Messiah was a mainstream Jewish teaching in the first century.
Learn more1:00pm02/21/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00pm02/21/2025
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer.. Isaiah 14:12-15 For thou hast said in thine heart, "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God .. I will be like the Most High." "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more3:00pm02/21/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00pm02/21/2025
"I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel." Genesis 3:15 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more5:00pm02/21/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00pm02/21/2025
Morpheus says of the Matrix; "You have to see it for yourself." You can't really know what the Matrix is without a change in your own perspective - seeing the Matrix for yourself from outside the Matrix. In this program Eliyahu ben David tells how YHWH broke through into his life from outside the Matrix of this world to enable Eliyahu to see the world we all live in from the Divine point of view. The end result of this change of perspective in Eliyahu's life was death to this world and a radical new Life propelling him onward in the will of the Father. Do you want to see this world - and even "the Body of Christ" - as Heaven sees them right now? Then don't miss the unique revelation offered to you in this program!
Learn more7:00pm02/21/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00pm02/21/2025
The prophet Isaiah revealed the coming Messiah as the Divine Word, the Holy One of Israel over 600 years before Messiah Was born. The Isaiah Targum of Jonathan ben Uziel, written 30 years before the birth of Messiah, proves that the Divinity of Messiah was a mainstream Jewish teaching in the first century.
Learn more9:00pm02/21/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00pm02/21/2025
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer.. Isaiah 14:12-15 For thou hast said in thine heart, "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God .. I will be like the Most High." "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more11:00pm02/21/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more12:00am02/22/2025
"I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel." Genesis 3:15 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more1:00am02/22/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00am02/22/2025
Morpheus says of the Matrix; "You have to see it for yourself." You can't really know what the Matrix is without a change in your own perspective - seeing the Matrix for yourself from outside the Matrix. In this program Eliyahu ben David tells how YHWH broke through into his life from outside the Matrix of this world to enable Eliyahu to see the world we all live in from the Divine point of view. The end result of this change of perspective in Eliyahu's life was death to this world and a radical new Life propelling him onward in the will of the Father. Do you want to see this world - and even "the Body of Christ" - as Heaven sees them right now? Then don't miss the unique revelation offered to you in this program!
Learn more3:00am02/22/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00am02/22/2025
The prophet Isaiah revealed the coming Messiah as the Divine Word, the Holy One of Israel over 600 years before Messiah Was born. The Isaiah Targum of Jonathan ben Uziel, written 30 years before the birth of Messiah, proves that the Divinity of Messiah was a mainstream Jewish teaching in the first century.
Learn more5:00am02/22/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00am02/22/2025
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer.. Isaiah 14:12-15 For thou hast said in thine heart, "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God .. I will be like the Most High." "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more7:00am02/22/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00am02/22/2025
"I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel." Genesis 3:15 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more9:00am02/22/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00am02/22/2025
The Matrix Movie character Morpheus: How do you define real? If you are talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. Your mind is perfectly capable of perceiving dreams as reality, though your dreams do not require input from your actual senses at all. This tells us that what we perceive as reality is actually electrical stimuli interpreted in the brain. Elohim (God) made your brain! He can input images in the form of dreams and visions upon it to communicate His message for the hour. In fact, He has done so with many Biblical figures and still does so today. In this episode Dawn shares such a vision from YHWH, while, through Eliyahu ben David, the Ruah (Spirit) Scripturally interprets the amazing message for this hour that YHWH seeks to convey to all of us through that vision. Here's fresh Manna (bread from above) to feed your spirit and meet the practical needs of your life. Children of Yah ..don't be late for dinner!
Learn more11:00am02/22/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more12:00pm02/22/2025
The Name, Immanuel, is part of a key Messianic prophecy from the book of Isaiah, fulfilled in the book of Matthew. Now, the Dead Sea Scrolls shed new light on the use of this amazing name in Scripture. Also discussed are the virgin birth and the story behind the prophecy in Isaiah 7.
Learn more1:00pm02/22/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00pm02/22/2025
"I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel." Genesis 3:15 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more3:00pm02/22/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00pm02/22/2025
Two Seeds... ...Two Mysteries Genesis 3:15 - 1 Timothy 3:15 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more5:00pm02/22/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00pm02/22/2025
The Matrix Movie character Morpheus: How do you define real? If you are talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. Your mind is perfectly capable of perceiving dreams as reality, though your dreams do not require input from your actual senses at all. This tells us that what we perceive as reality is actually electrical stimuli interpreted in the brain. Elohim (God) made your brain! He can input images in the form of dreams and visions upon it to communicate His message for the hour. In fact, He has done so with many Biblical figures and still does so today. In this episode Dawn shares such a vision from YHWH, while, through Eliyahu ben David, the Ruah (Spirit) Scripturally interprets the amazing message for this hour that YHWH seeks to convey to all of us through that vision. Here's fresh Manna (bread from above) to feed your spirit and meet the practical needs of your life. Children of Yah ..don't be late for dinner!
Learn more7:00pm02/22/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00pm02/22/2025
The Name, Immanuel, is part of a key Messianic prophecy from the book of Isaiah, fulfilled in the book of Matthew. Now, the Dead Sea Scrolls shed new light on the use of this amazing name in Scripture. Also discussed are the virgin birth and the story behind the prophecy in Isaiah 7.
Learn more9:00pm02/22/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00pm02/22/2025
"I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel." Genesis 3:15 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more11:00pm02/22/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more12:00am02/23/2025
Two Seeds... ...Two Mysteries Genesis 3:15 - 1 Timothy 3:15 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more1:00am02/23/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00am02/23/2025
The Matrix Movie character Morpheus: How do you define real? If you are talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then real is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain. Your mind is perfectly capable of perceiving dreams as reality, though your dreams do not require input from your actual senses at all. This tells us that what we perceive as reality is actually electrical stimuli interpreted in the brain. Elohim (God) made your brain! He can input images in the form of dreams and visions upon it to communicate His message for the hour. In fact, He has done so with many Biblical figures and still does so today. In this episode Dawn shares such a vision from YHWH, while, through Eliyahu ben David, the Ruah (Spirit) Scripturally interprets the amazing message for this hour that YHWH seeks to convey to all of us through that vision. Here's fresh Manna (bread from above) to feed your spirit and meet the practical needs of your life. Children of Yah ..don't be late for dinner!
Learn more3:00am02/23/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00am02/23/2025
The Name, Immanuel, is part of a key Messianic prophecy from the book of Isaiah, fulfilled in the book of Matthew. Now, the Dead Sea Scrolls shed new light on the use of this amazing name in Scripture. Also discussed are the virgin birth and the story behind the prophecy in Isaiah 7.
Learn more5:00am02/23/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00am02/23/2025
"I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel." Genesis 3:15 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more7:00am02/23/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00am02/23/2025
Two Seeds... ...Two Mysteries Genesis 3:15 - 1 Timothy 3:15 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more9:00am02/23/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00am02/23/2025
In The Matrix the newly freed Neo learns about the only real alternative to life in the artificial reality of The Matrix. It is a city in the real world called Tsiyon (Zion). In the movie Tsiyon is a city at war with the unseen enemies of mankind fighting to free the minds of men. When I first saw this movie I found it amazing that the writers chose Tsiyon as the name for the last stronghold of truth, freedom and salvation on earth. For indeed, the Scriptures present the very same picture of a place of truth and freedom called Tsiyon. This name points back to the stronghold of David's throne and points forward to the stronghold of the overcoming sons of God at the end of the age. This is the last great struggle between the forces of good and evil. This program looks to the Scriptures to begin to understand who the sons of Tsiyon really are who will come off victorious in that final battle!
Learn more11:00am02/23/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more12:00pm02/23/2025
Mahershalalhashbaz and the meaning of his prophetic name are examined in this message. Learn who he was and how understanding the story about him brings clarity to the prophetic story of Isaiah about the coming Immanuel, the prophesied Messiah of Israel.
Learn more1:00pm02/23/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00pm02/23/2025
Two Seeds... ...Two Mysteries Genesis 3:15 - 1 Timothy 3:15 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more3:00pm02/23/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00pm02/23/2025
For this they willfully forget.. ..that there were heavens from of old, and an earth formed out of water and amid water, by the Word of God; by which means the world that then was, being flooded with water, perished. 2 Peter 3:5+6The Antediluvian World
Learn more5:00pm02/23/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00pm02/23/2025
In The Matrix the newly freed Neo learns about the only real alternative to life in the artificial reality of The Matrix. It is a city in the real world called Tsiyon (Zion). In the movie Tsiyon is a city at war with the unseen enemies of mankind fighting to free the minds of men. When I first saw this movie I found it amazing that the writers chose Tsiyon as the name for the last stronghold of truth, freedom and salvation on earth. For indeed, the Scriptures present the very same picture of a place of truth and freedom called Tsiyon. This name points back to the stronghold of David's throne and points forward to the stronghold of the overcoming sons of God at the end of the age. This is the last great struggle between the forces of good and evil. This program looks to the Scriptures to begin to understand who the sons of Tsiyon really are who will come off victorious in that final battle!
Learn more7:00pm02/23/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00pm02/23/2025
Mahershalalhashbaz and the meaning of his prophetic name are examined in this message. Learn who he was and how understanding the story about him brings clarity to the prophetic story of Isaiah about the coming Immanuel, the prophesied Messiah of Israel.
Learn more9:00pm02/23/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00pm02/23/2025
Two Seeds... ...Two Mysteries Genesis 3:15 - 1 Timothy 3:15 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more11:00pm02/23/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more12:00am02/24/2025
For this they willfully forget.. ..that there were heavens from of old, and an earth formed out of water and amid water, by the Word of God; by which means the world that then was, being flooded with water, perished. 2 Peter 3:5+6The Antediluvian World
Learn more1:00am02/24/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00am02/24/2025
In The Matrix the newly freed Neo learns about the only real alternative to life in the artificial reality of The Matrix. It is a city in the real world called Tsiyon (Zion). In the movie Tsiyon is a city at war with the unseen enemies of mankind fighting to free the minds of men. When I first saw this movie I found it amazing that the writers chose Tsiyon as the name for the last stronghold of truth, freedom and salvation on earth. For indeed, the Scriptures present the very same picture of a place of truth and freedom called Tsiyon. This name points back to the stronghold of David's throne and points forward to the stronghold of the overcoming sons of God at the end of the age. This is the last great struggle between the forces of good and evil. This program looks to the Scriptures to begin to understand who the sons of Tsiyon really are who will come off victorious in that final battle!
Learn more3:00am02/24/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00am02/24/2025
Mahershalalhashbaz and the meaning of his prophetic name are examined in this message. Learn who he was and how understanding the story about him brings clarity to the prophetic story of Isaiah about the coming Immanuel, the prophesied Messiah of Israel.
Learn more5:00am02/24/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00am02/24/2025
Two Seeds... ...Two Mysteries Genesis 3:15 - 1 Timothy 3:15 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more7:00am02/24/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00am02/24/2025
For this they willfully forget.. ..that there were heavens from of old, and an earth formed out of water and amid water, by the Word of God; by which means the world that then was, being flooded with water, perished. 2 Peter 3:5+6The Antediluvian World
Learn more9:00am02/24/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00am02/24/2025
In the movie The Matrix, Neo confronts the question of his true identity. He must discover if he is The One - the person prophesied to lead the city of Zion to freedom. His personal quest to uncover his true identity is not unlike that faced in real life by each one of the Remnant of Israel. Each of them has an indispensable role to play in the plan of YHWH for the Remnant Nation of Israel in these final days. The first challenge of each one of them in actualizing their personal destiny is to discover and to own who they really are. Only by doing so can they move forward into all that YHWH has reserved uniquely and individually for them, as well as for them corporately as a Nation. An enigmatic figure called The Breaker is prophesied in Scripture to play a key role in bringing about their vitally important break-through, first for himself and then for the whole Remnant Nation. Receive this revelation regarding The Breaker and what his role is destined to be in relation to the entire Remnant Nation of Israel in the days ahead. This has not been taught till now, but when you hear it you will know from deep inside your spirit that it is the truth.
Learn more11:00am02/24/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more12:00pm02/24/2025
Immanuel is named three times in one short section of prophecy in the Isaiah Q Scroll, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, from well before the time of Christ. Targum Isaiah brings more clarity still. Hundreds of years before His birth, this remarkable prophecy tells us what Messiah would do - even down to our day and beyond!
Learn more1:00pm02/24/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00pm02/24/2025
For this they willfully forget.. ..that there were heavens from of old, and an earth formed out of water and amid water, by the Word of God; by which means the world that then was, being flooded with water, perished. 2 Peter 3:5+6The Antediluvian World
Learn more3:00pm02/24/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00pm02/24/2025
"And the Lord said unto Michael [regarding the angels that sinned against flesh]: ..bind them fast for seventy generations [under] the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgment - and of their consummation ...Enoch 10:11+12 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more5:00pm02/24/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00pm02/24/2025
In the movie The Matrix, Neo confronts the question of his true identity. He must discover if he is The One - the person prophesied to lead the city of Zion to freedom. His personal quest to uncover his true identity is not unlike that faced in real life by each one of the Remnant of Israel. Each of them has an indispensable role to play in the plan of YHWH for the Remnant Nation of Israel in these final days. The first challenge of each one of them in actualizing their personal destiny is to discover and to own who they really are. Only by doing so can they move forward into all that YHWH has reserved uniquely and individually for them, as well as for them corporately as a Nation. An enigmatic figure called The Breaker is prophesied in Scripture to play a key role in bringing about their vitally important break-through, first for himself and then for the whole Remnant Nation. Receive this revelation regarding The Breaker and what his role is destined to be in relation to the entire Remnant Nation of Israel in the days ahead. This has not been taught till now, but when you hear it you will know from deep inside your spirit that it is the truth.
Learn more7:00pm02/24/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00pm02/24/2025
Immanuel is named three times in one short section of prophecy in the Isaiah Q Scroll, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, from well before the time of Christ. Targum Isaiah brings more clarity still. Hundreds of years before His birth, this remarkable prophecy tells us what Messiah would do - even down to our day and beyond!
Learn more9:00pm02/24/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00pm02/24/2025
For this they willfully forget.. ..that there were heavens from of old, and an earth formed out of water and amid water, by the Word of God; by which means the world that then was, being flooded with water, perished. 2 Peter 3:5+6The Antediluvian World
Learn more11:00pm02/24/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more12:00am02/25/2025
"And the Lord said unto Michael [regarding the angels that sinned against flesh]: ..bind them fast for seventy generations [under] the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgment - and of their consummation ...Enoch 10:11+12 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more1:00am02/25/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00am02/25/2025
In the movie The Matrix, Neo confronts the question of his true identity. He must discover if he is The One - the person prophesied to lead the city of Zion to freedom. His personal quest to uncover his true identity is not unlike that faced in real life by each one of the Remnant of Israel. Each of them has an indispensable role to play in the plan of YHWH for the Remnant Nation of Israel in these final days. The first challenge of each one of them in actualizing their personal destiny is to discover and to own who they really are. Only by doing so can they move forward into all that YHWH has reserved uniquely and individually for them, as well as for them corporately as a Nation. An enigmatic figure called The Breaker is prophesied in Scripture to play a key role in bringing about their vitally important break-through, first for himself and then for the whole Remnant Nation. Receive this revelation regarding The Breaker and what his role is destined to be in relation to the entire Remnant Nation of Israel in the days ahead. This has not been taught till now, but when you hear it you will know from deep inside your spirit that it is the truth.
Learn more3:00am02/25/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00am02/25/2025
Immanuel is named three times in one short section of prophecy in the Isaiah Q Scroll, one of the Dead Sea Scrolls, from well before the time of Christ. Targum Isaiah brings more clarity still. Hundreds of years before His birth, this remarkable prophecy tells us what Messiah would do - even down to our day and beyond!
Learn more5:00am02/25/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00am02/25/2025
For this they willfully forget.. ..that there were heavens from of old, and an earth formed out of water and amid water, by the Word of God; by which means the world that then was, being flooded with water, perished. 2 Peter 3:5+6The Antediluvian World
Learn more7:00am02/25/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00am02/25/2025
"And the Lord said unto Michael [regarding the angels that sinned against flesh]: ..bind them fast for seventy generations [under] the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgment - and of their consummation ...Enoch 10:11+12 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more9:00am02/25/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00am02/25/2025
In The Matrix the fledgling Neo learns the true nature of the world from his mentor, Morpheus. Ordinary people had always seemed so harmless and benign to Neo. Now Neo was learning that very passivity of the masses is the thing that makes them dangerous to everyone who is truly free. Because the masses are passive, yet fully invested in the system, the unseen enemies can enter through any of them at any time and use them as a destructive weapon against those who have broken free. In this war for men's minds the people Neo is trying to set free are the very persons who can become the agents of his destruction. This should ring true for every follower of Messiah! There are unseen enemies making war upon us RIGHT NOW! They are satan and the demons ..and every day they are working through ordinary people around you to neutralize and even control you. Is that just an ignorant superstition or is there real evidence of their existence in this world today? We will offer you some! You will be challenged by this program ..and you will be grateful that you were.
Learn more11:00am02/25/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more12:00pm02/25/2025
In this amazing prophecy, revealed through the twin lenses of the Isaiah Q Scroll and Targum Isaiah, the future of both Messiah and His Talmidim/Disciples is foretold. This teaching arrives at its grand finale as we learn what all of this means regarding Israel, the Covenant, Torah, and Messiah's Talmidim.
Learn more1:00pm02/25/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00pm02/25/2025
"And the Lord said unto Michael [regarding the angels that sinned against flesh]: ..bind them fast for seventy generations [under] the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgment - and of their consummation ...Enoch 10:11+12 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more3:00pm02/25/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00pm02/25/2025
Discoveries the Evolutionists Don't Want You to See
Learn more5:00pm02/25/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00pm02/25/2025
In The Matrix the fledgling Neo learns the true nature of the world from his mentor, Morpheus. Ordinary people had always seemed so harmless and benign to Neo. Now Neo was learning that very passivity of the masses is the thing that makes them dangerous to everyone who is truly free. Because the masses are passive, yet fully invested in the system, the unseen enemies can enter through any of them at any time and use them as a destructive weapon against those who have broken free. In this war for men's minds the people Neo is trying to set free are the very persons who can become the agents of his destruction. This should ring true for every follower of Messiah! There are unseen enemies making war upon us RIGHT NOW! They are satan and the demons ..and every day they are working through ordinary people around you to neutralize and even control you. Is that just an ignorant superstition or is there real evidence of their existence in this world today? We will offer you some! You will be challenged by this program ..and you will be grateful that you were.
Learn more7:00pm02/25/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00pm02/25/2025
In this amazing prophecy, revealed through the twin lenses of the Isaiah Q Scroll and Targum Isaiah, the future of both Messiah and His Talmidim/Disciples is foretold. This teaching arrives at its grand finale as we learn what all of this means regarding Israel, the Covenant, Torah, and Messiah's Talmidim.
Learn more9:00pm02/25/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00pm02/25/2025
"And the Lord said unto Michael [regarding the angels that sinned against flesh]: ..bind them fast for seventy generations [under] the valleys of the earth, till the day of their judgment - and of their consummation ...Enoch 10:11+12 "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more11:00pm02/25/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
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Remnant Reading Room Podcast Episodes
Here's the latest Episodes from the Remnant Reading Room!
Join SheliYah as she takes you on a life-changing journey through the book “Come Out of Her My People” written by author C.J. Coster bringing into her readings the many Scripture verses referenced in this very important work.
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