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From Adam to Abraham to You

From Adam to Abraham to You

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One New Man



Those of us who are redeemed by the blood of Messiah know something about how that happened. But do you ever wonder: WHY were you saved? Ephesians chapter two has the answer! This chapter has a number of answers, in fact, that are very different than many of us may have been taught. For example, you may have heard that the "saved" become part of the "Church." Ephesians chapter two doesn't say that! Instead it tells us that the "saved" from both the Gentiles and from Israel are all part of renewed Israel! Further, we are told this renewed Israel is "the one new man" created in Messiah Y'shua to represent Him in the world. Renewed Israel, this "one new man," is also called "a Holy Temple" and you are meant to be one of the stones of that Temple, all "built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit." Why doesn't everybody know that all the saved are to be part of Israel? One reason is because some of this chapter is incorrectly translated, in a way that leads away from Torah and Israel. In this program we will definitely straighten that out and help you to see the big picture so eloquently painted in Ephesians chapter two so you can get a better grasp than ever of where you fit into the picture!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Kingdom Betrayal



“Y’shua .. was troubled in spirit, and testified, “Most certainly I tell you that one of you will betray me.” Our Messiah who was at peace even when His talmidim were in fear for their lives was “troubled in spirit” by the betrayal of Judas Iscariot. Betrayal is, perhaps, the most troubling situation that ever arises among Messiah’s own. Not only was Messiah to suffer betrayal, but He also foretold widespread betrayal of His own during this final generation: “You shall be betrayed also by parents and brothers and kinsmen and friends. And they will cause some of you to be put to death. And you shall be hated by all for My name’s sake.” This study of the betrayal of the King and His Kingdom by Judas Iscariot is meant to fortify us to deal with widespread betrayal foretold for the days shortly ahead. Y’shua’s emissaries / apostles were not ready for the evil day. Don’t let that happen to you! (John 13:21; Luke 21:16+17)

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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The Babel Conspiracy



YHWH said,   Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is what they begin to do. Now nothing will be withheld from them, which they conspire to do. Genesis 11:6

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Tsiyon Beginnings



You've been telling Dawn you want to know more about the origins of Tsiyon (i.e. my testimony) and in this program she gets me to spill the beans! Can you believe it, she actually starts with my childhood! At my age I almost forgot I ever had a childhood, until she asked me the question. From there she draws out the story of my life leading up to and including my own personal "burning bush" encounter with YHWH that has shaped the direction of my life for the last quarter century. This program includes some uncomfortably personal stuff that will not only give you insight into what makes Eliyahu ben David tick, but more importantly (and the reason I was willing to get into this), you will get a look at the world around us and even into the heart of God in a way you probably have never seen either before. I found this to be the perfect launching point to explain exactly where redeemed Israel is at today, where we need to get to, how to begin, and exactly why we must make the trip. I'm warning you to be prepared, the woman really started to tap into my radical self! One other thing - if you don't hear the whole hour you've missed the most important part of the program.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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One New Man



Those of us who are redeemed by the blood of Messiah know something about how that happened. But do you ever wonder: WHY were you saved? Ephesians chapter two has the answer! This chapter has a number of answers, in fact, that are very different than many of us may have been taught. For example, you may have heard that the "saved" become part of the "Church." Ephesians chapter two doesn't say that! Instead it tells us that the "saved" from both the Gentiles and from Israel are all part of renewed Israel! Further, we are told this renewed Israel is "the one new man" created in Messiah Y'shua to represent Him in the world. Renewed Israel, this "one new man," is also called "a Holy Temple" and you are meant to be one of the stones of that Temple, all "built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit." Why doesn't everybody know that all the saved are to be part of Israel? One reason is because some of this chapter is incorrectly translated, in a way that leads away from Torah and Israel. In this program we will definitely straighten that out and help you to see the big picture so eloquently painted in Ephesians chapter two so you can get a better grasp than ever of where you fit into the picture!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Covenant With Hell



Continuing our discussion about Judas Iscariot, we look into the prophecy of Zechariah 11 / Zachar’yah 11, written 500 years in advance of the actual history that fulfilled the prophecy. This amazing prophecy not only foretells actual events fulfilled by Judas Iscariot, but it foretells events of the entire period from the coming of Messiah to the Roman massacre of 67 CE at the mountain fortress of Gamla, through the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple, all the way to the final destruction of the Nation of Judah in the Bar Kokba / Bar Cochba / Ben Koziba revolt. The enigmatic prophecy of Zechariah 11 / Zachar’yah 11 is unlocked for the first time in the commentary by Eliyahu ben David entitled: “From The Shepherd of YHWH to the Shepherd of Nothing” available at the Tsiyon Tabernacle website. This program expounds on important highlights of that commentary. Zechariah, in this prophecy, answers the question; “How could God allow calamity to fall upon His Covenant people, the Jewish Nation?” Finally, there is a detailed and accurate answer to that question!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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When the Most High divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of God. Deu 32:8 LXX Brenton

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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One New Man



Those of us who are redeemed by the blood of Messiah know something about how that happened. But do you ever wonder: WHY were you saved? Ephesians chapter two has the answer! This chapter has a number of answers, in fact, that are very different than many of us may have been taught. For example, you may have heard that the "saved" become part of the "Church." Ephesians chapter two doesn't say that! Instead it tells us that the "saved" from both the Gentiles and from Israel are all part of renewed Israel! Further, we are told this renewed Israel is "the one new man" created in Messiah Y'shua to represent Him in the world. Renewed Israel, this "one new man," is also called "a Holy Temple" and you are meant to be one of the stones of that Temple, all "built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit." Why doesn't everybody know that all the saved are to be part of Israel? One reason is because some of this chapter is incorrectly translated, in a way that leads away from Torah and Israel. In this program we will definitely straighten that out and help you to see the big picture so eloquently painted in Ephesians chapter two so you can get a better grasp than ever of where you fit into the picture!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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The Renewed Temple



Many people think of the Jerusalem Temple as being a fixed institution of Israel. The truth is though, that what became the Temple went through a number of permutations from no temple at all to a simple altar of uncut stones, to the Mishkin / Tabernacle / Tent, to the first and second Temples in Jerusalem. Through Isaiah the prophet YHWH foretold a renewed Temple in the earth under the reign of Messiah that would operate upon a new and better principle than all earlier temples. Later, Renewed Covenant writers, such as Kefa / Peter picked up on the Temple prophecies of the Tanach and taught the scattered remnant of Israel on their fulfillment. As we learn about the Renewed Temple we soon find a blueprint there of our own purpose and identity in Messiah that has the startling effect of renewing US!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Covenant With Hell



Continuing our discussion about Judas Iscariot, we look into the prophecy of Zechariah 11 / Zachar’yah 11, written 500 years in advance of the actual history that fulfilled the prophecy. This amazing prophecy not only foretells actual events fulfilled by Judas Iscariot, but it foretells events of the entire period from the coming of Messiah to the Roman massacre of 67 CE at the mountain fortress of Gamla, through the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple, all the way to the final destruction of the Nation of Judah in the Bar Kokba / Bar Cochba / Ben Koziba revolt. The enigmatic prophecy of Zechariah 11 / Zachar’yah 11 is unlocked for the first time in the commentary by Eliyahu ben David entitled: “From The Shepherd of YHWH to the Shepherd of Nothing” available at the Tsiyon Tabernacle website. This program expounds on important highlights of that commentary. Zechariah, in this prophecy, answers the question; “How could God allow calamity to fall upon His Covenant people, the Jewish Nation?” Finally, there is a detailed and accurate answer to that question!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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When the Most High divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of God. Deu 32:8 LXX Brenton

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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One New Man



Those of us who are redeemed by the blood of Messiah know something about how that happened. But do you ever wonder: WHY were you saved? Ephesians chapter two has the answer! This chapter has a number of answers, in fact, that are very different than many of us may have been taught. For example, you may have heard that the "saved" become part of the "Church." Ephesians chapter two doesn't say that! Instead it tells us that the "saved" from both the Gentiles and from Israel are all part of renewed Israel! Further, we are told this renewed Israel is "the one new man" created in Messiah Y'shua to represent Him in the world. Renewed Israel, this "one new man," is also called "a Holy Temple" and you are meant to be one of the stones of that Temple, all "built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit." Why doesn't everybody know that all the saved are to be part of Israel? One reason is because some of this chapter is incorrectly translated, in a way that leads away from Torah and Israel. In this program we will definitely straighten that out and help you to see the big picture so eloquently painted in Ephesians chapter two so you can get a better grasp than ever of where you fit into the picture!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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The Renewed Temple



Many people think of the Jerusalem Temple as being a fixed institution of Israel. The truth is though, that what became the Temple went through a number of permutations from no temple at all to a simple altar of uncut stones, to the Mishkin / Tabernacle / Tent, to the first and second Temples in Jerusalem. Through Isaiah the prophet YHWH foretold a renewed Temple in the earth under the reign of Messiah that would operate upon a new and better principle than all earlier temples. Later, Renewed Covenant writers, such as Kefa / Peter picked up on the Temple prophecies of the Tanach and taught the scattered remnant of Israel on their fulfillment. As we learn about the Renewed Temple we soon find a blueprint there of our own purpose and identity in Messiah that has the startling effect of renewing US!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Covenant With Hell



Continuing our discussion about Judas Iscariot, we look into the prophecy of Zechariah 11 / Zachar’yah 11, written 500 years in advance of the actual history that fulfilled the prophecy. This amazing prophecy not only foretells actual events fulfilled by Judas Iscariot, but it foretells events of the entire period from the coming of Messiah to the Roman massacre of 67 CE at the mountain fortress of Gamla, through the destruction of Jerusalem and its Temple, all the way to the final destruction of the Nation of Judah in the Bar Kokba / Bar Cochba / Ben Koziba revolt. The enigmatic prophecy of Zechariah 11 / Zachar’yah 11 is unlocked for the first time in the commentary by Eliyahu ben David entitled: “From The Shepherd of YHWH to the Shepherd of Nothing” available at the Tsiyon Tabernacle website. This program expounds on important highlights of that commentary. Zechariah, in this prophecy, answers the question; “How could God allow calamity to fall upon His Covenant people, the Jewish Nation?” Finally, there is a detailed and accurate answer to that question!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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When the Most High divided the nations, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the nations according to the number of the angels of God. Deu 32:8 LXX Brenton

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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One New Man



Those of us who are redeemed by the blood of Messiah know something about how that happened. But do you ever wonder: WHY were you saved? Ephesians chapter two has the answer! This chapter has a number of answers, in fact, that are very different than many of us may have been taught. For example, you may have heard that the "saved" become part of the "Church." Ephesians chapter two doesn't say that! Instead it tells us that the "saved" from both the Gentiles and from Israel are all part of renewed Israel! Further, we are told this renewed Israel is "the one new man" created in Messiah Y'shua to represent Him in the world. Renewed Israel, this "one new man," is also called "a Holy Temple" and you are meant to be one of the stones of that Temple, all "built together for a habitation of God in the Spirit." Why doesn't everybody know that all the saved are to be part of Israel? One reason is because some of this chapter is incorrectly translated, in a way that leads away from Torah and Israel. In this program we will definitely straighten that out and help you to see the big picture so eloquently painted in Ephesians chapter two so you can get a better grasp than ever of where you fit into the picture!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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The Renewed Temple



Many people think of the Jerusalem Temple as being a fixed institution of Israel. The truth is though, that what became the Temple went through a number of permutations from no temple at all to a simple altar of uncut stones, to the Mishkin / Tabernacle / Tent, to the first and second Temples in Jerusalem. Through Isaiah the prophet YHWH foretold a renewed Temple in the earth under the reign of Messiah that would operate upon a new and better principle than all earlier temples. Later, Renewed Covenant writers, such as Kefa / Peter picked up on the Temple prophecies of the Tanach and taught the scattered remnant of Israel on their fulfillment. As we learn about the Renewed Temple we soon find a blueprint there of our own purpose and identity in Messiah that has the startling effect of renewing US!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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The night before His death Yeshua the Messiah instituted a renewed covenant with a renewed Israel, represented by its tribal heads. That night He explained to those leaders how life under the Renewed Covenant would be very different from all that had come before. He told them about new endowments they would receive in the Renewed Covenant as well as setting out what was most important. His comments remind us of Jeremiah 31:34; "and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know YHWH; for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them." That night He told His Talmidim how they could realize that prophetic promise to truly know God and what that would mean for them - and for us. Perhaps most important of all, He told them what they and we must do to Stay in the Renewed Covenant.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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From Adam to Abraham to You


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This is the history of the generations of Shem.. ..Now this is the history of the generations of Terah. Terah became the father of Abram.. Genesis 11:10-12:4

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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The Renewed Temple



Many people think of the Jerusalem Temple as being a fixed institution of Israel. The truth is though, that what became the Temple went through a number of permutations from no temple at all to a simple altar of uncut stones, to the Mishkin / Tabernacle / Tent, to the first and second Temples in Jerusalem. Through Isaiah the prophet YHWH foretold a renewed Temple in the earth under the reign of Messiah that would operate upon a new and better principle than all earlier temples. Later, Renewed Covenant writers, such as Kefa / Peter picked up on the Temple prophecies of the Tanach and taught the scattered remnant of Israel on their fulfillment. As we learn about the Renewed Temple we soon find a blueprint there of our own purpose and identity in Messiah that has the startling effect of renewing US!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Apostolic Body Building



What is the five-fold ministry? What is the three-fold foundation? Why must the five-fold ministry be built upon the three-fold foundation? Why must the Body of Messiah be built upon the three-fold foundation? What happens if it's not? What is the purpose of the five-fold ministry? What is the purpose of the Body as a whole? How is the Body of Messiah different than religion? Where do you fit in to the Body? Now let's move on to some questions about APOSTLES: Where does the term 'apostle' originate and what does it mean? (Here's a hint: It has to do with the Hebrew term 'shaliach') Who were the OT/Tanach apostles? Who was the first apostle of the Renewed Covenant era? What are the different categories of apostle and how do they differ from one another? Why should you care?

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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The night before His death Yeshua the Messiah instituted a renewed covenant with a renewed Israel, represented by its tribal heads. That night He explained to those leaders how life under the Renewed Covenant would be very different from all that had come before. He told them about new endowments they would receive in the Renewed Covenant as well as setting out what was most important. His comments remind us of Jeremiah 31:34; "and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know YHWH; for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them." That night He told His Talmidim how they could realize that prophetic promise to truly know God and what that would mean for them - and for us. Perhaps most important of all, He told them what they and we must do to Stay in the Renewed Covenant.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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This is the history of the generations of Shem.. ..Now this is the history of the generations of Terah. Terah became the father of Abram.. Genesis 11:10-12:4

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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The Renewed Temple



Many people think of the Jerusalem Temple as being a fixed institution of Israel. The truth is though, that what became the Temple went through a number of permutations from no temple at all to a simple altar of uncut stones, to the Mishkin / Tabernacle / Tent, to the first and second Temples in Jerusalem. Through Isaiah the prophet YHWH foretold a renewed Temple in the earth under the reign of Messiah that would operate upon a new and better principle than all earlier temples. Later, Renewed Covenant writers, such as Kefa / Peter picked up on the Temple prophecies of the Tanach and taught the scattered remnant of Israel on their fulfillment. As we learn about the Renewed Temple we soon find a blueprint there of our own purpose and identity in Messiah that has the startling effect of renewing US!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Apostolic Body Building



What is the five-fold ministry? What is the three-fold foundation? Why must the five-fold ministry be built upon the three-fold foundation? Why must the Body of Messiah be built upon the three-fold foundation? What happens if it's not? What is the purpose of the five-fold ministry? What is the purpose of the Body as a whole? How is the Body of Messiah different than religion? Where do you fit in to the Body? Now let's move on to some questions about APOSTLES: Where does the term 'apostle' originate and what does it mean? (Here's a hint: It has to do with the Hebrew term 'shaliach') Who were the OT/Tanach apostles? Who was the first apostle of the Renewed Covenant era? What are the different categories of apostle and how do they differ from one another? Why should you care?

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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The night before His death Yeshua the Messiah instituted a renewed covenant with a renewed Israel, represented by its tribal heads. That night He explained to those leaders how life under the Renewed Covenant would be very different from all that had come before. He told them about new endowments they would receive in the Renewed Covenant as well as setting out what was most important. His comments remind us of Jeremiah 31:34; "and they shall teach no more every man his neighbor, and every man his brother, saying, Know YHWH; for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest of them." That night He told His Talmidim how they could realize that prophetic promise to truly know God and what that would mean for them - and for us. Perhaps most important of all, He told them what they and we must do to Stay in the Renewed Covenant.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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This is the history of the generations of Shem.. ..Now this is the history of the generations of Terah. Terah became the father of Abram.. Genesis 11:10-12:4

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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The Renewed Temple



Many people think of the Jerusalem Temple as being a fixed institution of Israel. The truth is though, that what became the Temple went through a number of permutations from no temple at all to a simple altar of uncut stones, to the Mishkin / Tabernacle / Tent, to the first and second Temples in Jerusalem. Through Isaiah the prophet YHWH foretold a renewed Temple in the earth under the reign of Messiah that would operate upon a new and better principle than all earlier temples. Later, Renewed Covenant writers, such as Kefa / Peter picked up on the Temple prophecies of the Tanach and taught the scattered remnant of Israel on their fulfillment. As we learn about the Renewed Temple we soon find a blueprint there of our own purpose and identity in Messiah that has the startling effect of renewing US!

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Apostolic Body Building



What is the five-fold ministry? What is the three-fold foundation? Why must the five-fold ministry be built upon the three-fold foundation? Why must the Body of Messiah be built upon the three-fold foundation? What happens if it's not? What is the purpose of the five-fold ministry? What is the purpose of the Body as a whole? How is the Body of Messiah different than religion? Where do you fit in to the Body? Now let's move on to some questions about APOSTLES: Where does the term 'apostle' originate and what does it mean? (Here's a hint: It has to do with the Hebrew term 'shaliach') Who were the OT/Tanach apostles? Who was the first apostle of the Renewed Covenant era? What are the different categories of apostle and how do they differ from one another? Why should you care?

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Two Kingdoms



Do you sometimes feel the conflict between two kingdoms - two worlds? One "world" is the kingdom of Messiah. The other is the kingdom of darkness which the Scriptures call "the world" meaning the world system of mankind. The night before His death Messiah told us; "In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world." (John 16:33). In these words Messiah informed His Talmidim that they could expect tribulation in this world, but He also encouraged us that we can overcome the world as He has. In fact, in John 17 He prayed for His followers of every age regarding our time in this world. In this program we examine that prayer to learn why Messiah says the world hates His followers and how we are to deal with that. Salvation, sanctification, unification and glorification are all discussed in this chapter of Scripture and therefore in this program. This is serious talk about our purpose in this world from Messiah's point of view. This truth is bound to impact your life.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Going Out



By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out Hebrews 11:8

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Apostolic Body Building



What is the five-fold ministry? What is the three-fold foundation? Why must the five-fold ministry be built upon the three-fold foundation? Why must the Body of Messiah be built upon the three-fold foundation? What happens if it's not? What is the purpose of the five-fold ministry? What is the purpose of the Body as a whole? How is the Body of Messiah different than religion? Where do you fit in to the Body? Now let's move on to some questions about APOSTLES: Where does the term 'apostle' originate and what does it mean? (Here's a hint: It has to do with the Hebrew term 'shaliach') Who were the OT/Tanach apostles? Who was the first apostle of the Renewed Covenant era? What are the different categories of apostle and how do they differ from one another? Why should you care?

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Apostolic Job Description



In the first century there were multiple apostles, each directly sent out by Messiah to act in His Name. How were all of these apostles able to deal with potential conflicts of authority to harmoniously build up the one Body of Messiah? Some modern scholars say that such a conflict brought about a rift between the Jerusalem apostles and Paul whereby Paul went off on his own to found a new religion called "Christianity." In this program we trace the inspired record of Paul's life and find that charge to be groundless. Not only that, but we find that Paul and all of the apostles worked out the great questions that confronted them in a harmonious way reflecting the deep commitment to the one Body of Messiah that characterized all of them. What is it really like to be an apostle? In this program you will get a Scriptural, and a very profound, answer.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Two Kingdoms



Do you sometimes feel the conflict between two kingdoms - two worlds? One "world" is the kingdom of Messiah. The other is the kingdom of darkness which the Scriptures call "the world" meaning the world system of mankind. The night before His death Messiah told us; "In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world." (John 16:33). In these words Messiah informed His Talmidim that they could expect tribulation in this world, but He also encouraged us that we can overcome the world as He has. In fact, in John 17 He prayed for His followers of every age regarding our time in this world. In this program we examine that prayer to learn why Messiah says the world hates His followers and how we are to deal with that. Salvation, sanctification, unification and glorification are all discussed in this chapter of Scripture and therefore in this program. This is serious talk about our purpose in this world from Messiah's point of view. This truth is bound to impact your life.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Going Out



By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out Hebrews 11:8

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Apostolic Body Building



What is the five-fold ministry? What is the three-fold foundation? Why must the five-fold ministry be built upon the three-fold foundation? Why must the Body of Messiah be built upon the three-fold foundation? What happens if it's not? What is the purpose of the five-fold ministry? What is the purpose of the Body as a whole? How is the Body of Messiah different than religion? Where do you fit in to the Body? Now let's move on to some questions about APOSTLES: Where does the term 'apostle' originate and what does it mean? (Here's a hint: It has to do with the Hebrew term 'shaliach') Who were the OT/Tanach apostles? Who was the first apostle of the Renewed Covenant era? What are the different categories of apostle and how do they differ from one another? Why should you care?

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Apostolic Job Description



In the first century there were multiple apostles, each directly sent out by Messiah to act in His Name. How were all of these apostles able to deal with potential conflicts of authority to harmoniously build up the one Body of Messiah? Some modern scholars say that such a conflict brought about a rift between the Jerusalem apostles and Paul whereby Paul went off on his own to found a new religion called "Christianity." In this program we trace the inspired record of Paul's life and find that charge to be groundless. Not only that, but we find that Paul and all of the apostles worked out the great questions that confronted them in a harmonious way reflecting the deep commitment to the one Body of Messiah that characterized all of them. What is it really like to be an apostle? In this program you will get a Scriptural, and a very profound, answer.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Two Kingdoms



Do you sometimes feel the conflict between two kingdoms - two worlds? One "world" is the kingdom of Messiah. The other is the kingdom of darkness which the Scriptures call "the world" meaning the world system of mankind. The night before His death Messiah told us; "In the world you shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world." (John 16:33). In these words Messiah informed His Talmidim that they could expect tribulation in this world, but He also encouraged us that we can overcome the world as He has. In fact, in John 17 He prayed for His followers of every age regarding our time in this world. In this program we examine that prayer to learn why Messiah says the world hates His followers and how we are to deal with that. Salvation, sanctification, unification and glorification are all discussed in this chapter of Scripture and therefore in this program. This is serious talk about our purpose in this world from Messiah's point of view. This truth is bound to impact your life.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Going Out



By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed by going out Hebrews 11:8

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Apostolic Body Building



What is the five-fold ministry? What is the three-fold foundation? Why must the five-fold ministry be built upon the three-fold foundation? Why must the Body of Messiah be built upon the three-fold foundation? What happens if it's not? What is the purpose of the five-fold ministry? What is the purpose of the Body as a whole? How is the Body of Messiah different than religion? Where do you fit in to the Body? Now let's move on to some questions about APOSTLES: Where does the term 'apostle' originate and what does it mean? (Here's a hint: It has to do with the Hebrew term 'shaliach') Who were the OT/Tanach apostles? Who was the first apostle of the Renewed Covenant era? What are the different categories of apostle and how do they differ from one another? Why should you care?

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Apostolic Job Description



In the first century there were multiple apostles, each directly sent out by Messiah to act in His Name. How were all of these apostles able to deal with potential conflicts of authority to harmoniously build up the one Body of Messiah? Some modern scholars say that such a conflict brought about a rift between the Jerusalem apostles and Paul whereby Paul went off on his own to found a new religion called "Christianity." In this program we trace the inspired record of Paul's life and find that charge to be groundless. Not only that, but we find that Paul and all of the apostles worked out the great questions that confronted them in a harmonious way reflecting the deep commitment to the one Body of Messiah that characterized all of them. What is it really like to be an apostle? In this program you will get a Scriptural, and a very profound, answer.

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Seeing The Kingdom



The Kingdom must come as Moses and the Prophets foretold, by self-sacrifice, faith and love, just as the Talmidim saw on the mountain. Are you Seeing the Kingdom?

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Righteous Judgment – 059



"Now these are the ordinances which you shall set before them." Exodus 21:1

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Luke 12:1-34 Meanwhile, when a multitude of many thousands had gathered together, so much so that they trampled on each other, he began to tell his disciples first of all, “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2 But there is nothing covered up, that will not be revealed, nor hidden, that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light. What you have spoken in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops. 4 “I tell you, my friends, don’t be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will warn you whom you should fear. Fear him, who after he has killed, has power to cast into Gehinnom. Yes, I tell you, fear him. 6 “Aren’t five sparrows sold for two assaria coins? Not one of them is forgotten by ELOHIM! 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don’t be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows. 8 “I tell you, everyone who confesses me before men, him will the Son of Man also confess before the angels of ELOHIM; 9 but he who denies me in the presence of men will be denied in the presence of the angels of ELOHIM! 10 Everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but those who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. 11 When they bring you before the synagogues, the rulers, and the authorities, don’t be anxious how or what you will answer, or what you will say; 12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that same hour what you must say.” ...

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it on the people, and said, “Look, this is the blood of the covenant, which YHWH has made with you concerning all these words.” Exodus 24:8

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Seeing The Kingdom



The Kingdom must come as Moses and the Prophets foretold, by self-sacrifice, faith and love, just as the Talmidim saw on the mountain. Are you Seeing the Kingdom?

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Join us, as we discuss this month's topic and how it applies to Messiah's Praiseworthy (Prov31) Women!   Your participation is welcome! Click/tap here to Contact Us with your prayer requests and comments!    

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Luke 12:1-34 Meanwhile, when a multitude of many thousands had gathered together, so much so that they trampled on each other, he began to tell his disciples first of all, “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2 But there is nothing covered up, that will not be revealed, nor hidden, that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light. What you have spoken in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops. 4 “I tell you, my friends, don’t be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will warn you whom you should fear. Fear him, who after he has killed, has power to cast into Gehinnom. Yes, I tell you, fear him. 6 “Aren’t five sparrows sold for two assaria coins? Not one of them is forgotten by ELOHIM! 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don’t be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows. 8 “I tell you, everyone who confesses me before men, him will the Son of Man also confess before the angels of ELOHIM; 9 but he who denies me in the presence of men will be denied in the presence of the angels of ELOHIM! 10 Everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but those who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. 11 When they bring you before the synagogues, the rulers, and the authorities, don’t be anxious how or what you will answer, or what you will say; 12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that same hour what you must say.” ...

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it on the people, and said, “Look, this is the blood of the covenant, which YHWH has made with you concerning all these words.” Exodus 24:8

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Seeing The Kingdom



The Kingdom must come as Moses and the Prophets foretold, by self-sacrifice, faith and love, just as the Talmidim saw on the mountain. Are you Seeing the Kingdom?

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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"Now these are the ordinances which you shall set before them." Exodus 21:1

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Luke 12:1-34 Meanwhile, when a multitude of many thousands had gathered together, so much so that they trampled on each other, he began to tell his disciples first of all, “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2 But there is nothing covered up, that will not be revealed, nor hidden, that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light. What you have spoken in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops. 4 “I tell you, my friends, don’t be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will warn you whom you should fear. Fear him, who after he has killed, has power to cast into Gehinnom. Yes, I tell you, fear him. 6 “Aren’t five sparrows sold for two assaria coins? Not one of them is forgotten by ELOHIM! 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don’t be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows. 8 “I tell you, everyone who confesses me before men, him will the Son of Man also confess before the angels of ELOHIM; 9 but he who denies me in the presence of men will be denied in the presence of the angels of ELOHIM! 10 Everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but those who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. 11 When they bring you before the synagogues, the rulers, and the authorities, don’t be anxious how or what you will answer, or what you will say; 12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that same hour what you must say.” ...

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Seeing The Kingdom



The Kingdom must come as Moses and the Prophets foretold, by self-sacrifice, faith and love, just as the Talmidim saw on the mountain. Are you Seeing the Kingdom?

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Righteous Judgment – 059



"Now these are the ordinances which you shall set before them." Exodus 21:1

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Luke 12:1-34 Meanwhile, when a multitude of many thousands had gathered together, so much so that they trampled on each other, he began to tell his disciples first of all, “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2 But there is nothing covered up, that will not be revealed, nor hidden, that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light. What you have spoken in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops. 4 “I tell you, my friends, don’t be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will warn you whom you should fear. Fear him, who after he has killed, has power to cast into Gehinnom. Yes, I tell you, fear him. 6 “Aren’t five sparrows sold for two assaria coins? Not one of them is forgotten by ELOHIM! 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don’t be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows. 8 “I tell you, everyone who confesses me before men, him will the Son of Man also confess before the angels of ELOHIM; 9 but he who denies me in the presence of men will be denied in the presence of the angels of ELOHIM! 10 Everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but those who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. 11 When they bring you before the synagogues, the rulers, and the authorities, don’t be anxious how or what you will answer, or what you will say; 12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that same hour what you must say.” ...

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Moses took the blood, and sprinkled it on the people, and said, “Look, this is the blood of the covenant, which YHWH has made with you concerning all these words.” Exodus 24:8

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Seeing The Kingdom



The Kingdom must come as Moses and the Prophets foretold, by self-sacrifice, faith and love, just as the Talmidim saw on the mountain. Are you Seeing the Kingdom?

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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"Now these are the ordinances which you shall set before them." Exodus 21:1

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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Luke 12:1-34 Meanwhile, when a multitude of many thousands had gathered together, so much so that they trampled on each other, he began to tell his disciples first of all, “Beware of the yeast of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. 2 But there is nothing covered up, that will not be revealed, nor hidden, that will not be known. 3 Therefore whatever you have said in the darkness will be heard in the light. What you have spoken in the ear in the inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops. 4 “I tell you, my friends, don’t be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. 5 But I will warn you whom you should fear. Fear him, who after he has killed, has power to cast into Gehinnom. Yes, I tell you, fear him. 6 “Aren’t five sparrows sold for two assaria coins? Not one of them is forgotten by ELOHIM! 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Therefore don’t be afraid. You are of more value than many sparrows. 8 “I tell you, everyone who confesses me before men, him will the Son of Man also confess before the angels of ELOHIM; 9 but he who denies me in the presence of men will be denied in the presence of the angels of ELOHIM! 10 Everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but those who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven. 11 When they bring you before the synagogues, the rulers, and the authorities, don’t be anxious how or what you will answer, or what you will say; 12 for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that same hour what you must say.” ...

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Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as  Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array.   Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists

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