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Secrets Revealed in 2 Thessalonians 2! ...Who or what is THE RESTRAINER? ...Who or what is being RESTRAINED? ...How long? ...What then? ...Are you ready? These secrets are vital to YOUR LIFE!
Learn more1:00am02/17/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00am02/17/2025
"The world pulled over your eyes to blind you to the truth" is a line spoken by The Matrix character Morpheus to the truth seeker, Neo. It is also a concept found in the Scriptures and penned some 2.5 millenia before The Matrix was ever thought of! You will be amazed to learn what the Scriptures say about "the world" with, not one, but six different words all translated into English as "world." This Bible word study reveals that we are indeed living within a matrix of deception all around us extending to every corner of the globe, designed to blind the whole world to the truth. Even the organized church is part of this deceptive world system, as we prove in this program. What is the alternative? Revelation on that included in this program! [Movie clips included in this program including the names, Morpheus, Agent Smith, Mr. Anderson, Neo and Trinity are from “The Matrix” copyright 1999 Warner Bros. Pictures.]
Learn more3:00am02/17/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00am02/17/2025
I brought forth a fire from the midst of you; it has devoured you, and I have turned you to ashes. Ezekiel 28:18
Learn more5:00am02/17/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00am02/17/2025
...[Through] the mystery of lawlessness... ...the lawless one will be revealed... ...With all power and signs and lying wonders. ...[Because] they did not .. love .. the truth... ...God shall send them strong delusion... ...that they should believe the lie... ...that they.. might be condemned. 2 Thess 2
Learn more7:00am02/17/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00am02/17/2025
Secrets Revealed in 2 Thessalonians 2! ...Who or what is THE RESTRAINER? ...Who or what is being RESTRAINED? ...How long? ...What then? ...Are you ready? These secrets are vital to YOUR LIFE!
Learn more9:00am02/17/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00am02/17/2025
One of the most dramatic scenes of the sci-fi thriller, The Matrix, occurs when the truth seeker Neo chooses the "red pill." This choice wakes him up from the dream world he thought was real allowing him to look upon the horror he had been living in all along. He is then unplugged from the dream world of the Matrix to live a real life in the real world. This scene is a dramatic "born again" experience for Neo - not unlike the experience you will have if you really get the point of this message. In this episode we examine what early believers in Messiah had in common with Neo in the movie. Learn why they were called "haters of the human race" according to the Roman historian, Tacitus. Learn the correct translation of Messiah's actual words often mistranslated into English as "born again." Don't miss the life-changing study of John/Yochanan 3:1-8 which, in this program, is unlocked for the first time from a Hebraic perspective - bringing an amazing new insight into what it means to be "unplugged" from the world. Trust me, your Church NEVER told you this!
Learn more11:00am02/17/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more12:00pm02/17/2025
Can you fathom the mystery of God? Job 11:7 This first program in our new series exploring The Mystery of Elohim / God introduces the mystery in Genesis 1:1, viewed in light of the commentary by Yochanan the apostle, found in John 1:1-3, discussing the plurality of the term, Elohim.
Learn more1:00pm02/17/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00pm02/17/2025
Secrets Revealed in 2 Thessalonians 2! ...Who or what is THE RESTRAINER? ...Who or what is being RESTRAINED? ...How long? ...What then? ...Are you ready? These secrets are vital to YOUR LIFE!
Learn more3:00pm02/17/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00pm02/17/2025
"the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2 ...in accordance with the work of satan ...with power, signs and pseudo-omens ...in every sort of deceitful injustice "they did not receive the love of the truth"
Learn more5:00pm02/17/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00pm02/17/2025
One of the most dramatic scenes of the sci-fi thriller, The Matrix, occurs when the truth seeker Neo chooses the "red pill." This choice wakes him up from the dream world he thought was real allowing him to look upon the horror he had been living in all along. He is then unplugged from the dream world of the Matrix to live a real life in the real world. This scene is a dramatic "born again" experience for Neo - not unlike the experience you will have if you really get the point of this message. In this episode we examine what early believers in Messiah had in common with Neo in the movie. Learn why they were called "haters of the human race" according to the Roman historian, Tacitus. Learn the correct translation of Messiah's actual words often mistranslated into English as "born again." Don't miss the life-changing study of John/Yochanan 3:1-8 which, in this program, is unlocked for the first time from a Hebraic perspective - bringing an amazing new insight into what it means to be "unplugged" from the world. Trust me, your Church NEVER told you this!
Learn more7:00pm02/17/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00pm02/17/2025
Can you fathom the mystery of God? Job 11:7 This first program in our new series exploring The Mystery of Elohim / God introduces the mystery in Genesis 1:1, viewed in light of the commentary by Yochanan the apostle, found in John 1:1-3, discussing the plurality of the term, Elohim.
Learn more9:00pm02/17/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00pm02/17/2025
Secrets Revealed in 2 Thessalonians 2! ...Who or what is THE RESTRAINER? ...Who or what is being RESTRAINED? ...How long? ...What then? ...Are you ready? These secrets are vital to YOUR LIFE!
Learn more11:00pm02/17/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more12:00am02/18/2025
"the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2 ...in accordance with the work of satan ...with power, signs and pseudo-omens ...in every sort of deceitful injustice "they did not receive the love of the truth"
Learn more1:00am02/18/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00am02/18/2025
One of the most dramatic scenes of the sci-fi thriller, The Matrix, occurs when the truth seeker Neo chooses the "red pill." This choice wakes him up from the dream world he thought was real allowing him to look upon the horror he had been living in all along. He is then unplugged from the dream world of the Matrix to live a real life in the real world. This scene is a dramatic "born again" experience for Neo - not unlike the experience you will have if you really get the point of this message. In this episode we examine what early believers in Messiah had in common with Neo in the movie. Learn why they were called "haters of the human race" according to the Roman historian, Tacitus. Learn the correct translation of Messiah's actual words often mistranslated into English as "born again." Don't miss the life-changing study of John/Yochanan 3:1-8 which, in this program, is unlocked for the first time from a Hebraic perspective - bringing an amazing new insight into what it means to be "unplugged" from the world. Trust me, your Church NEVER told you this!
Learn more3:00am02/18/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00am02/18/2025
Can you fathom the mystery of God? Job 11:7 This first program in our new series exploring The Mystery of Elohim / God introduces the mystery in Genesis 1:1, viewed in light of the commentary by Yochanan the apostle, found in John 1:1-3, discussing the plurality of the term, Elohim.
Learn more5:00am02/18/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00am02/18/2025
Secrets Revealed in 2 Thessalonians 2! ...Who or what is THE RESTRAINER? ...Who or what is being RESTRAINED? ...How long? ...What then? ...Are you ready? These secrets are vital to YOUR LIFE!
Learn more7:00am02/18/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00am02/18/2025
"the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2 ...in accordance with the work of satan ...with power, signs and pseudo-omens ...in every sort of deceitful injustice "they did not receive the love of the truth"
Learn more9:00am02/18/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00am02/18/2025
After the truth seeker, Neo, was unplugged from the Matrix he realized he had a whole new life ahead of him. After Messiah Y'shua unplugs you from the matrix of this world system you have a whole new life ahead of you - and even inside of you! Why? Because Y'shua the Messiah, the only-begotten Son of God, came into the world as a Seed bearing the Divine Life. When that Seed is planted in you then you have the very Life of God in you, making you a child of God and yourself a bearer of His Eternal Life. What will you do with so great a gift? In Yochanan/John 17 Y'shua poured out His heart's desire to His Father for all of us who have received/will receive His Divine Life to become children of the only true God. In that special prayer Messiah makes His heart's intention known for every believer, including you. Do you want to know where your life is meant to go? Consider this High Priestly Prayer of Messiah for YOU!
Learn more11:00am02/18/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more12:00pm02/18/2025
Some people claim that the concept of The Word as found in John 1:1-3 originates with Plato and was inserted into the Gospel text! In this program we will totally unmask this lie and will prove conclusively that this passage is both Scriptural and thoroughly Jewish. If you've ever questioned this passage then you must hear this!
Learn more1:00pm02/18/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00pm02/18/2025
"the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2 ...in accordance with the work of satan ...with power, signs and pseudo-omens ...in every sort of deceitful injustice "they did not receive the love of the truth"
Learn more3:00pm02/18/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00pm02/18/2025
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer.. Isaiah 14:12-15 For thou hast said in thine heart, "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God .. I will be like the Most High." "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more5:00pm02/18/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00pm02/18/2025
After the truth seeker, Neo, was unplugged from the Matrix he realized he had a whole new life ahead of him. After Messiah Y'shua unplugs you from the matrix of this world system you have a whole new life ahead of you - and even inside of you! Why? Because Y'shua the Messiah, the only-begotten Son of God, came into the world as a Seed bearing the Divine Life. When that Seed is planted in you then you have the very Life of God in you, making you a child of God and yourself a bearer of His Eternal Life. What will you do with so great a gift? In Yochanan/John 17 Y'shua poured out His heart's desire to His Father for all of us who have received/will receive His Divine Life to become children of the only true God. In that special prayer Messiah makes His heart's intention known for every believer, including you. Do you want to know where your life is meant to go? Consider this High Priestly Prayer of Messiah for YOU!
Learn more7:00pm02/18/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00pm02/18/2025
Some people claim that the concept of The Word as found in John 1:1-3 originates with Plato and was inserted into the Gospel text! In this program we will totally unmask this lie and will prove conclusively that this passage is both Scriptural and thoroughly Jewish. If you've ever questioned this passage then you must hear this!
Learn more9:00pm02/18/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00pm02/18/2025
"the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2 ...in accordance with the work of satan ...with power, signs and pseudo-omens ...in every sort of deceitful injustice "they did not receive the love of the truth"
Learn more11:00pm02/18/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more12:00am02/19/2025
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer.. Isaiah 14:12-15 For thou hast said in thine heart, "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God .. I will be like the Most High." "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more1:00am02/19/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00am02/19/2025
After the truth seeker, Neo, was unplugged from the Matrix he realized he had a whole new life ahead of him. After Messiah Y'shua unplugs you from the matrix of this world system you have a whole new life ahead of you - and even inside of you! Why? Because Y'shua the Messiah, the only-begotten Son of God, came into the world as a Seed bearing the Divine Life. When that Seed is planted in you then you have the very Life of God in you, making you a child of God and yourself a bearer of His Eternal Life. What will you do with so great a gift? In Yochanan/John 17 Y'shua poured out His heart's desire to His Father for all of us who have received/will receive His Divine Life to become children of the only true God. In that special prayer Messiah makes His heart's intention known for every believer, including you. Do you want to know where your life is meant to go? Consider this High Priestly Prayer of Messiah for YOU!
Learn more3:00am02/19/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more4:00am02/19/2025
Some people claim that the concept of The Word as found in John 1:1-3 originates with Plato and was inserted into the Gospel text! In this program we will totally unmask this lie and will prove conclusively that this passage is both Scriptural and thoroughly Jewish. If you've ever questioned this passage then you must hear this!
Learn more5:00am02/19/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00am02/19/2025
"the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2 ...in accordance with the work of satan ...with power, signs and pseudo-omens ...in every sort of deceitful injustice "they did not receive the love of the truth"
Learn more7:00am02/19/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00am02/19/2025
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer.. Isaiah 14:12-15 For thou hast said in thine heart, "I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God .. I will be like the Most High." "the mystery of lawlessness is already at work" 2 Thessalonians 2
Learn more9:00am02/19/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00am02/19/2025
“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king, who made a marriage feast for his son, and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast..." Matthew 22:2-3
Learn more11:00am02/19/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more11:30am02/19/2025
“This is what YHWH spoke .., ‘I will show myself holy to those who come near me, and before all the people I will be glorified.’” Vayikra/Leviticus 10:3 Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
Learn more1:30pm02/19/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00pm02/19/2025
YESHUA answered them, “The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Most certainly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life will lose it. He who hates his life in this world will keep it to eternal life. If anyone serves me, let him follow me. Where I am, there will my servant also be. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him. John 12:23-26
Learn more3:00pm02/19/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more3:30pm02/19/2025
For I am YHWH who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your Elohim. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. This is the torah of the animal, and of the bird, and of every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that creeps on the earth, to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean, and between the living thing that may be eaten and the living thing that may not be eaten.’” Vayikra/Leviticus 11:45-47 Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
Learn more5:30pm02/19/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00pm02/19/2025
“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king, who made a marriage feast for his son, and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast..." Matthew 22:2-3
Learn more7:00pm02/19/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more8:00pm02/19/2025
Join us, as we discuss this month's topic and how it applies to Messiah's Praiseworthy (Prov31) Women! Your participation is welcome! Click/tap here to Contact Us with your prayer requests and comments!
Learn more10:00pm02/19/2025
YESHUA answered them, “The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Most certainly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life will lose it. He who hates his life in this world will keep it to eternal life. If anyone serves me, let him follow me. Where I am, there will my servant also be. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him. John 12:23-26
Learn more11:00pm02/19/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more11:30pm02/19/2025
For I am YHWH who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your Elohim. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. This is the torah of the animal, and of the bird, and of every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that creeps on the earth, to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean, and between the living thing that may be eaten and the living thing that may not be eaten.’” Vayikra/Leviticus 11:45-47 Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
Learn more1:30am02/20/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00am02/20/2025
“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king, who made a marriage feast for his son, and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast..." Matthew 22:2-3
Learn more3:00am02/20/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more3:30am02/20/2025
“This is what YHWH spoke .., ‘I will show myself holy to those who come near me, and before all the people I will be glorified.’” Vayikra/Leviticus 10:3 Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
Learn more5:30am02/20/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00am02/20/2025
YESHUA answered them, “The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Most certainly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life will lose it. He who hates his life in this world will keep it to eternal life. If anyone serves me, let him follow me. Where I am, there will my servant also be. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him. John 12:23-26
Learn more7:00am02/20/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more7:30am02/20/2025
For I am YHWH who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your Elohim. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. This is the torah of the animal, and of the bird, and of every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that creeps on the earth, to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean, and between the living thing that may be eaten and the living thing that may not be eaten.’” Vayikra/Leviticus 11:45-47 Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
Learn more9:30am02/20/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00am02/20/2025
“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king, who made a marriage feast for his son, and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast..." Matthew 22:2-3
Learn more11:00am02/20/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more11:30am02/20/2025
“This is what YHWH spoke .., ‘I will show myself holy to those who come near me, and before all the people I will be glorified.’” Vayikra/Leviticus 10:3 Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
Learn more1:30pm02/20/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more2:00pm02/20/2025
YESHUA answered them, “The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Most certainly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life will lose it. He who hates his life in this world will keep it to eternal life. If anyone serves me, let him follow me. Where I am, there will my servant also be. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him. John 12:23-26
Learn more3:00pm02/20/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more3:30pm02/20/2025
For I am YHWH who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your Elohim. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. This is the torah of the animal, and of the bird, and of every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that creeps on the earth, to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean, and between the living thing that may be eaten and the living thing that may not be eaten.’” Vayikra/Leviticus 11:45-47 Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
Learn more5:30pm02/20/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more6:00pm02/20/2025
“The Kingdom of Heaven is like a certain king, who made a marriage feast for his son, and sent out his servants to call those who were invited to the marriage feast..." Matthew 22:2-3
Learn more7:00pm02/20/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more7:30pm02/20/2025
“This is what YHWH spoke .., ‘I will show myself holy to those who come near me, and before all the people I will be glorified.’” Vayikra/Leviticus 10:3 Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
Learn more9:30pm02/20/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more10:00pm02/20/2025
YESHUA answered them, “The time has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Most certainly I tell you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains by itself alone. But if it dies, it bears much fruit. He who loves his life will lose it. He who hates his life in this world will keep it to eternal life. If anyone serves me, let him follow me. Where I am, there will my servant also be. If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him. John 12:23-26
Learn more11:00pm02/20/2025
Let's Worship YHWH In Holy Array as Psalm 29:1-2 says: Ascribe to YHWH, sons of the mighty, Ascribe to YHWH glory and strength. Ascribe to YHWH the glory due to His name. Worship YHWH in holy array. Featuring These Tsiyon Messianic Music Artists
Learn more11:30pm02/20/2025
For I am YHWH who brought you up out of the land of Egypt, to be your Elohim. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy. This is the torah of the animal, and of the bird, and of every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that creeps on the earth, to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean, and between the living thing that may be eaten and the living thing that may not be eaten.’” Vayikra/Leviticus 11:45-47 Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save Save
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